✦ John Howard Society Kid Start Program: Partnership with Island Owl Mazda and John Howard recognizing the need for mentorship of our youth.
✦ Various individuals in the community: We support these individuals/teams because they support our business by purchasing vehicles, trailers etc.
✦ Kans for Kids: A local charity to help the youth in our community. We collect cans and donate them to them.
✦ Campbell River Food Bank: For February and March, we had our "Theme Friday" donations made to Campbell River Foodbank. In total, we raised $464.25 and Ben matched that so $928.50 in total was donated.
✦ SPCA: Our current "Theme Friday" recipient. We take donations every Friday and dress up. Western, wacky, 80's and on and on!
✦Campbell River Minor Baseball: We proudly display a sign at the ball field and in return the baseball association using the proceeds to pay for equipment.
✦ Legion: Last November we were involved in the Movember campaign. Because of the uncertainty COVID presented, we decided to match the donation for Movember and donate to the Legion to recognize Remembrance Day and those who gave their lives so we have what we have.
✦Habitat for Humanity: We have been affiliated with Habitat for Humanity for almost 3 years now. Generally, we host a BBQ and car wash once a year. We also hosted a silent auction at our first car wash, raising over $1200 to donate to Habitat for Humanity Vancouver Island North, which helps build clean, affordable homes in our community.
Last year we hosted a car wash and were a Silver Sponsor for the build shirts. This year we upped our game and we are now Gold Level Sponsors. We hope to host a build day car wash and also we have donated $1000 towards the build t-shirts worn by the volunteers who help build the houses.
✦ Small Planet Energy (sponsoring their clean-up): We have donated $500 towards their initiative. There is a local clean-up contest where people clean up the community and take photos. The winners receive prizes!