We are in the business of helping clients from Campbell River and surrounding areas find the perfect new Mazda vehicle for their needs. We are also in the business of providing quality to all of our clients, whether they are buying a new or pre-owned vehicle. Once you become a client at Island Owl Mazda, you will enjoy amazing after-sales services.

You'll notice that everything has been designed to exceed your expectations and provide you with simple, effective services. For example, you can book an appointment online with our service department, making everything a lot easier for you. You can also track your vehicle's progress online. This is just an overview of the services that we offer.

If you're looking for a dealership that will make your life easier, give us a call today. We have a full lineup of new Mazda vehicles, and we have a professional team of sales representatives who will be happy to help you find your perfect Mazda. We also have quality pre-owned vehicles at amazing prices.

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Contact us

Island Owl Mazda

2280 N Island Hwy
Campbell River,
BC, V9W 2G8
  • Hours: Sales
  • Hours: Service & Parts
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